Justice Thomas, A 21st Century Uncle Tom      

John Johnson

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has willingly allowed his unethical behavior to cast himself as a Black  man beguiled by a billionaire white man. Justice Thomas is now reminiscent   of the Uncle Tom character angry 18th Century racists whites chose to mis-characterized in  Harriet Beecher Stowe’s bestselling novel, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”

Stowe’s epic novel was written to reveal the real horrors and debauchery of slavery as well as the courage of Black slaves. Tom, a Black slave, was beaten to death because he refused to reveal the whereabouts of two female slaves who had been raped repeatedly.

White proponents of slavery attempted to discredit Stowe’s novel by portraying the real Uncle Tom as a Black slave willing to sell out any slave to curry favors  from the white slave master. This distortion was done to hide the courage and determination of Black slaves to gain their freedom and to merely increase ticket sales at minstrel shows which depicted slaves as imbeciles.

Justice Thomas in his black robe, rather than looking  robust, now appears possibly bloated from cash and gifts tucked beneath his robe. It’s a discredit to the basic principle of the fallibility of mankind to believe that any institution created by man is infallible; therefore, it does  not need a Code of Ethics, and can regulate itself.

In other words, man has created the Supreme Court as  a God unto itself. It can do no wrong and be judged by no  one, but itself. Even Congresspersons can’t demand that Chief Justice Roberts appear before a Committee Hearing. Chief Justice Roberts ‘ letter of refusal was tantamount to an old idiom, “go play with yourself.” This is really a rude way of telling this Committee to go away and stop their annoyance. Roberts also reminded Durbin that his request threatened “Judicial Independence.”

To this day, racists white Republicans and Governors don’t’  want white children to read Black literature, especially  the novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin., They fear it’ll expose the evilness of slavery instituted by their white ancestors and may make white children cry. They also don’t want them to learn  that Black slaves rebelled against slavery and courageously gave up their lives to save other slaves.

As for Justice Thomas, he’s too self-righteous to use “dog whistle jargon.” He merely boasts that his wife “Gini” is as important to him as his right leg and that his billionaire benefactor is just a devoted friend. This billionaire’s  image shouldn’t be besmirched one bit. He used his money to buy art, mansions, yachts, as well as a  Black Supreme Court Justice lacking integrity and willing to behave as an Uncle Tom.

Unfortunately,  Justice Thomas, as the reigning compromised member on the Court, has managed to demonstrate the most egregious unethical behavior during the 21st century; thus, proving that no court comprised of men and women is infallible.

We the people, throughout the years, have turned a “blind eye” to the Courts’ transgressions, partisanship rulings, and blatant ideological beliefs. If not now, when will our eyes, ears and minds stop believing that our Supreme Court is truly Supreme?

Remember, they don’t shed their prejudices and biases when confirmed. They merely hide them  beneath their black robes.  Sadly, democracy and the people become  victims when the Court is intentionally packed and becomes  unbalanced. The overturning of Roe is a prime example.

If the Supreme Court is to retain its judicial authority as well as respect from all Americans, Congress must determine and delineate which powers are codified, if any, within the Constitution to control the Supreme Court? It appears that Congress can only control its size and  remove justices by impeachment  for behavior deemed inappropriate.

The Judiciary Act of 1789 established the Supreme Court. Even though  it didn’t make the Court more powerful than the executive and legislative branches, the Constitution is as silent as the universe is vast on “judicial review.”

Have you ever wondered why Chief Justice Roberts walks around with that perpetual  condescending smirk on his face? It’s because he knows that the Court is nearly insulated from Congressional oversight. Justices and their spouses operate openly as carpetbaggers, peddlers of influence, and auctioneers of their integrity to the richest donors.

Regrettably, Justice Clarence Thomas has become the most despicable member on the Court by allowing himself to be beguiled; thus,  becoming a 21st Century Uncle Tom.



About Carma Henry 24866 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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