
A [White] House in Pandemic Cannot Stand

Richard Stengel, an under Secretary of State in President Barack Obama’s administration and an editor at Time, suggested that Trump’s condition may have approached a fatal point.

     “I’m not a doctor, but throwing an experimental antibody cocktail, plus dexamethasone, plus remdesivir, plus supplemental oxygen all at the same time suggests the house was on fire and they had to put it out. Not one of the 7 million Americans infected got the same treatment.” […]


Trump Voters Remain Loyal Because He Supports a Malignancy of White Supremacy

     Without a doubt, the malignancy of white supremacy, ignorance, and Trump’s re-election constitute the greatest threat to America’s democracy. One could conclude that Trump and his base are all members of the “The Flat Earth Society,” which continues to strive on conspiracy theories and religious dogma. If climate change and COVID-19, are hoaxes, why is Miami Beach raising its streets and he has contracted this virus? […]


Trust Science

     Long ago, I concluded that no reliable evidence supports gods, devils, heavens, hells, miracles, prophecies and other supernatural stuff of religion.  Those magic claims simply arise from the human imagination, I assume.  Instead, I chose to trust the honest search of science to explain ultimate mysteries of existence. […]


“Elect Public Officials Who are Committed to Stop Police Killings”

     People For the American Way has endorsed more than 100 young progressive candidates who have demonstrated dedication to creating public safety solutions that reflect the values of fairness, justice, and equal treatment under the law. The “Stop Police Killings” slate is designed to bring attention and support to candidates for local and state office who understand the impact of police killings on communities of color and who are passionate about pursuing justice.  […]