
Superintendent’s Words Hurtle Back to 1990s Thinking

     How did an individual so lacking in basic competence come to be the leader of our beloved county’s educational system? The words and attitude hurtle me back to the late 1990s when then-mayor of the City of Fort Lauderdale Robert Cox declared to school children, (paraphrasing) “Anybody can be mayor as long as you are free, white and 21.” The racist expression so roiled the community that Westside Gazette Publisher Levi Henry Jr. responded, (paraphrasing) “You will never hold office again in Broward County.” And he never did. […]


Holy Grail: 2nd Amendment & Pro-Life Doctrine

     Yes! The 2nd Amendment is the Republicans’ and their base’s “Holy Grail. It represents their ultimate desire to have unmitigated rights to own and bare weapons. Consequently, as gun owners, they don’t accept responsibility for guns used to commit mass murders of any kind to whomever. Yet, unbelievably, they’re staunch supporters of  pro-life […]


Superintendent Cartwright Asserts “I Don’t Hire Someone Just Because They’re Black”

 Superintendent Cartwright defends her purge of Black administrators by asserting that she doesn’t hire someone just because they’re Black. If this is her philosophy, are we to assume that the only people she found qualified to fill her administrative positions were white? This assertion not only is disingenuous but represents  a white supremacist’s ideology to the extreme. […]


Racist ‘Replacement’ Rhetoric is Deadly and Republicans Must Stop Using It

     That should cause some serious reflection among Republicans who are trying to build power with their own versions of racist “replacement” rhetoric. Replacement rhetoric is meant to tap into a very old fear: that the survival and dominance of White Americans is threatened by others—whether by the freedom and empowerment of Black people or immigration by people of color. […]