The Gantt Report
By Lucius Gantt
People who are opposed to building and funding a new police and firefighter training center in metro Atlanta are asking citizens to sign petitions to place the “Cop City” issue on the ballot so the destiny of the proposal can be decided by voters.
I signed a petition, but to be honest, I don’t have a clue about why law enforcement and first responder training should be discredited and abandoned.
One person associated with “Cop City” protestors was interviewed by an Atlanta news reporter and said, “Cop City should be opposed because the police will be trained in ways to beat and kill Black and poor people”.
Well, in my mind, law enforcers need all the legal, honorable, interpersonal, and de-escalation training they can get.
I’m not a friend of the police, but I’m also not an enemy of law enforcers.
Whether Cop City is built and staffed, or not, law enforcers will have to be trained somewhere and somehow.
Every state in the union already has some level of police training. If protestors oppose law enforcement training in Atlanta, perhaps Peach State police will be trained in Florida or another state.
I wouldn’t be surprised if a rudimentary investigation or inspection of the most outspoken Cop City protestors would reveal that many of the Cop City protestors come from other cities and states and perhaps other countries.
It is not unusual for protest groups to be infiltrated and compromised.
I’m just saying, but don’t act like you didn’t know rebellious slave groups were infiltrated by slaves who loved their slave masters, SCLC was infiltrated, The Nation of Islam had occasional infiltrators, and yes, even your beloved Black Lives Matter organizations have been permeated with snitches and malcontents.
The Gantt Report recognizes the need for improvement in all areas of law enforcement training. Policemen and police departments in every city in every state have been accused of poor training that has been manifested in false charges, false arrests, police misconduct, and police homicides.
Why can’t Cop City protestors demand the members of their group, and members of other Atlanta community groups be included in the decision-making process of all police training facilities?
When people travel to Atlanta from other states to encourage violent protests, local people can get caught up in a protest masquerade. Back in the day, unarmed protestors would get water hosed, attacked by dogs, beaten by mounted police, and sometimes killed while peacefully protesting.
Today, when Cop City protestors throw Molotov cocktails at law enforcers and destroy government equipment, private cars, and belongings of construction workers they get to meet Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis, who filed RICO charges against 61 Cop City protestors.
Nobody will ask me, but I think the best way to get governmental and political people to ensure that law enforcers and policemen are correctly and properly trained is to hold politicians who vote to fund expensive police training facilities financially responsible when rogue police officers ignore their training and harm or kill unarmed or innocent citizens.
If politicians vote for better training facilities and police are ignoring specified training aspects, whny can’t citizens hold politicians liable for wasting taxpayer dollars on ineffective and poorly trained police officers?
Cop City doesn’t beat and kill innocent men, women, and children, untrained, unconcerned, and hateful police officers beat and kill people!