By Sylvester Nunnie” Robinson

On Sunday, July 28, 2023, the Eta Nu Educational Foundation hosted its annual Benefit Gala and Fundraiser sponsored by Corporate Partner, Global Wealth Management. Held at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott, Coral Springs, the black tie affair supports STEM promotion, Gentlemen of Influence/Q’ Unit mentoring programs and scholarship initiatives.
This year’s honoree, retired Circuit Court Judge Ilona Holmes, is the recipient of the James L. Jones Lifetime Achievement Award, presented in honor of Eta Nu founder, philanthropist, Broward educator and former principal of Blanche Ely High School, Mr. James L. Jones.
Introduced by Eta Nu Basileus and Assistant U. S. Attorney Bruce Terry Brown, Judge Holmes’ selection recognized her impeccable, accomplished career as an attorney, proponent of equal justice and opportunity for all under the law, law professor, administrator and jurist. Event MC and Eta Nu Foundation Chairman Brother Harry Harrell welcomed all in attendance, including Mr. John Thomas, Global Wealth Management CIO; South Plantation High graduate and South Florida University enrollee Jahshai Reid, whose candid, impassioned remarks as a beneficiary of Eta Nu’s GOI mentoring program, acknowledging particularly the advice, encouragement and support of Brothers Rodney Hankins and Broderick Henry, left the audience spellbound; Delta Sigma Theta sisters who came in support of Judge Holmes; and the wives, sweethearts and loyal Eta Nu brothers in attendance.

Additional evening highlights: live auction led by Auctioneer Tom Curran, a silent auction, acknowledgement of Corporate Sponsors including Holman Honda by Brother Harrison Jones, presentation/remarks by Judge Holmes, and special recognition by NBAC – Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Perhaps unintentionally, Judge Holmes’ closing remarks evolved into a keynote as she thanked those responsible for her receiving such an honor, initially feigning confusion that the great Blanche Ely running back who would go on to stardom as a Florida Gator and professionally with the Detroit Lions, shared the same name as the person for whom the award is named. She sheepishly professed that hailing from Deerfield she knew nothing about Pompano. However, she praised Brother Jones for his educational contributions in Broward and statewide. Though retired from the bench for over 5 years, Judge Holmes said that she is working just as hard because the need is so great. We must do as the prophet Isaiah admonished: lift our voices and expose politicians for their transgressions and sins locally and statewide. She was appointed by Governor Lawton Chiles to the county court, served for 3 years before being promoted to the circuit court. As a minority, she thanked God for allowing her to do twice as much for half as much. Judge Holmes, so enamored with scholarship recipient Jahshai Reid, commended him for acknowledging God and his mother, who certainly has much to be proud of.
Recalling a story while a student at FAU along with her friend and soror, Elizabeth Massey, in which they were promised that if they composed the story with photos, it would be printed. However, the very opposite happened. The publisher informed them in no uncertain terms that the pictures were TOO DARK TO PRINT. We are in that same political climate today, she stated and so admonished all organizations like the Divine 9 to stay woke, united and involved because WE ARE IMPORTANT. She concluded by saying that the demise of Affirmative Action and denying women bodily autonomy are mere stumbling blocks: they may slow us down, but they won’t stop us.
The brothers of Eta Nu thank you for being a champion for social justice and for our people. May the blessings of God always be with you.