Fort Lauderdale extends lien amnesty program
Property owners have through September to take advantage of special Offer
FORT LAUDERDALE, FL –– For a limited time, the City of Fort Lauderdale is offering financial relief to property owners burdened by outstanding liens. Qualified neighbors that bring their property into compliance can clear outstanding liens at a significantly reduced rate.
This special program was set to expire in June, but the Fort Lauderdale City Commission voted yesterday to extend the program through September to give property owners more time to settle Code Enforcement Liens for less than face value. Applications must be submitted by Friday, September 13, 2013. Property owners with outstanding liens should call (954) 828-5050 to determine if they are eligible for the program.
“We are offering our property owners a one-time incentive to address code violations and bring their properties into compliance at a significant cost savings,” said Fort Lauderdale Mayor John P. “Jack” Seiler. “By taking advantage of this opportunity, property owners can eliminate a lien at a much lower cost, obtain a clear title to their property, and help improve the safety and aesthetics of our community. We strongly encourage property owners to contact our Code Office or visit our website to find out how to qualify for these substantial savings.”
For eligible applicants, the amount of the lien will be reduced to 15% of the total amount owed on the code enforcement lien, not to exceed 5% of the just market value. For example, a $50,000 lien on a property with a just market value of $100,000 would be subject to a reduced lien in the amount of $5,000.
To qualify, the property must be in compliance with all current City and State Codes and Ordinances and all outstanding liens and fees must be paid before the amnesty program expires.
For more information on the Lien Amnesty program, including an application and fact sheet, please call (954) 828-5050, visit www.fortlauderdale.gov/lienamnesty, or send an email to LienAmnesty@FortLauderdale.gov.