Mad One Surprise! Celebration
To my brother Clarence (Mad One) Lewis who is dear to me, this is a celebration of your life. We are here to honor you and the life you shared with everyone.
Clarence retired from many years of working as a chef and as an Eastern Airlines employee. In his young life to the present he was one of the oldest Black D.J’s in Broward County.
He has served many organizations of Broward County: The Northwest Federated Women’s Club, teachers and bus drivers, end of the school year parties and Sistrunk Festival.
Mad One always knew how to make you feel good by playing the right songs. His love for music and making people laugh is what people will always remember. Music was his greatest pastime. Having played at various locations throughout Broward County including formally the Patio Inn, Goldrail Club, Troy’s Bar and Grill Lounge, Fort Lauderdale Elks Lounge and the VFW, he is well known for his talent of keeping the crowd on his feet.
If you have it in your heart and love music, we ask you to come out and help celebrate the Mad One’s Birthday and Retirement Party on Saturday, May 25, 2013 at the Elks Lodge, 652, 712 N.W. Second St., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Tickets are $20.00 you can contact Maggie at (954) 394-8763. This is a surprise Black & White attire celebration.
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