President Obama issues executive order on human trafficking

Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking

President Obama issues executive order on human trafficking

By Roger Caldwell

     Human trafficking is a global crisis, which impacts the quality of life of 20 million people around the world. This phenomenon takes many different forms of modern slavery, such as those forced to work in sweat-shops or as domestic servants, to fight in a war, or to become a prostitute. The ages vary, and human trafficking impacts young children, teenagers, young women, young men, old people and everything in between.

    “When a little girl is sold by her impoverished family, girls my daughters’ age, runs from home, or is lured by the false promises of a better life, and then imprisoned in a brothel, and tortured if she resists, that is slavery. It is barbaric, and it is evil, and it has no place in a civilized world,” says President Barack Obama.

    As part of this new effort, the President will focus his Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships on fighting human trafficking as part of their work. The Executive Order will tighten requirements placed on government contractors designed to ensure that forced labor is not being used.

    America’s footprint is in every part of the world, and in certain countries forced labor is open on a daily basis. “In short, we’re making clear that American tax dollars must never, ever be used to support the trafficking of human beings. We will have zero tolerance,” Obama said.

    With this new executive order, the President is side-stepping the Congress in the face of staunch Republican opposition. Many argue that President Obama is taking advantage of his Presidential powers, but since he has been in office, he has used executive orders 139 times, and President Bush in the same length of time had used executive orders 160 times.

    Executive orders originated under George Washington and stems from interpretations of Article II of the Constitution, which created the executive branch and from presidential precedent. In June, the President halted deportation of illegal immigrants, who entered the United States when they were children. Many Republicans argue that the President is using executive orders as a political strategy to win the election.

    It is true that the immigrant executive order mirrored provisions of the Dream Act, but being the incumbent, it is important to utilize every advantage. The Hispanic vote is critical and very important to both candidates, and President Obama was extremely smart to issue the immigrant executive order five months before the election. This Order will consolidate the Hispanic support behind the President.

    There are many faith-based groups that will support the President with his executive order on human trafficking. “We are especially honored to be joined today by advocates who dedicate their lives and at times, risk their lives to liberate victims and help them recover. This includes men and woman of faith, who, like the great abolitionists before them, are truly doing the Lord’s work, evangelicals, the Catholic Church, international Justice Mission, World Relief, even individual congregations, and so many young people of faith who’ve decided that conscience compels them to act in the face of injustices,” President Obama said.

    With this executive order, the President is making a connection with the poor, oppressed, and people on the bottom. Modern day slavery takes many different forms, some physically and others sexually. It is a barbaric and evil system, and the President is taking the lead with zero tolerance in the United States and around the world.       


About Carma Henry 25464 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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