A Message From The Publisher
“The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.”— Mahatma Gandhi
By Bobby R. Henry, Sr.
Reading the novel by Daniel Black titled The Coming, I was drawn into the totality of the Middle Passage and the manifestation before, during, and after all of its lasting effects. The Coming tells the story of a people controlled by force and taken from their homeland across oceans of time—and subjected to a physical and psychological trip of unfathomable traumas that brought to life the courage, strength and determination of the African Spirit. Severe situations produce exceptional perception, and only after losing everything and being broken do they realize the essence they once accepted without question or objection.
As I try to gather my thoughts concerning the landscape of the state in which I live, Florida, and all of the transformative injustices perpetrated by this governor, Ronald Dion DeSantis with ill intent on harming everyone that is different from him, I’m truly forced to look beyond human strength to deal with Not only that the damage his ideology and fascist tendencies, has begun to spread like wildfire in a dry and withered forest to other pitiful people that seem to attract hate like flies to garbage.
Taking into full account what is spawning in such a putrid environment I dare not think what offspring will be birth from this.
With reverence to the honored and diverse cultures of Africa, and reliving this frightening real experience of the people raped and stolen from their homes, the suffering that The Coming expose me to, and then to be confronted with the reality of a beat down on the boat docks in Montgomery, Alabama, in 2023 has me checking my ROOTS. I had to ask myself what is truly happening here in America.
It is as if we are on the precipice in this country of imploding from the inside, and no one has an answer for stopping in it.
If we don’t allow level heads to prevail after some serious, “Come to Jesus” meetings, the chickens will surely come home to roost and at that point, by any means necessary might be just a lil bit to late.
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