
In for a dime, in for a dollar

    Many years ago, when we played what we called ‘penny-ante poker,’ there was always an unhappy participant who, as the evening wore on, slid more and more of his chips (or coins) to the middle of the table and recovered very few of them. This guy didn’t want to give up, but neither did he have very good cards to play. He wasn’t good at bluffing, he didn’t want to rock the boat, he was perhaps a tad masochistic, so he would grudgingly go along when someone raised the stakes. He would ‘see’ the aggressor, but never raise him, and he would repeatedly sigh and mutter, “In for a dime, in for a dollar.” […]


Trump’s favorite dictator

When Donald Trump allegedly referred to el-Sisi as his ‘favorite dictator’ that said a great deal about both el-Sisi and Trump. What it said about el-Sisi was to remind the world that his regime is among the favorite of the United States elite in its policies in the Middle East and North Africa […]


Attack Issues

Has there ever been a time when you should have spoken up and didn’t, but later you realized you were wrong? Should folks call you names or disparage your character” And what about those who say the judge acted “unprofessionally?” What standard is being used, from the person whose co-workers want to call them out but won’t, for fear of being called a bully?  […]


Legendary Morgan State and New York Knicks Assistant Coach: Nat Frazier Passes Away at 84

“My dad was a bigger believer in good basketball… basketball was basketball to him, and I think he recognized early the impact that women could make, before a lot of other people did,” Kevin continued. “He loved and appreciated the contributions that women could make in basketball and even though his particular franchise didn’t exactly work out, he was still so supportive of the WNBA.” […]


Black-owned pharmaceutical company takes charge to closing the Black Health Disparity Gap

Dr. Wayne, CEO of Wayne Pharmaceuticals, Inc, is dedicated to closing the health disparity gap in the Black community. Based out of Cordele, Georgia, Dr. Wayne operates one of the only Black-owned pharmaceutical companies in the nation. Wayne Pharmaceuticals shares an 18-acre campus with the MD Whitest Medical Institute, right in the heart of Cordele’s west side, the most socio-economically deprived area of the city. […]