
Florida Governor  takes  a  measured approach to reopening the State

As Florida begins to re-open under Governor Ron DeSantis’s plan, there are over 34,000 infected with the virus and over 1,300 have died. It is a sad statement on testing in the state, when only 2% of the state has been tested, and very few trust the data and results. It is shameful in the state that the media were forced to file a lawsuit to release data on covid-19, to get information on nursing homes, and long term care centers. […]

National News

Angry Dad writes Controversial “Rona” Song After His Son was Denied a Test for Coronavirus

A 60-year old father who calls himself The Undiscovered Artist has penned a powerful, but controversial tune about the Coronavirus after his 39-year old son was denied a test. It is called the “Coronavirus Song (The Rona Song)” and it creatively represents a voice that most in the Black community can easily resonate with as reports continue to reveal that many African Americans are being denied tests, and thus are dying from COVID-19 at higher rates. […]

National News

The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Demand for Reparations

The Commission is appealing to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee to convene an “Emergency Juneteenth Congressional Hearing” to address the need for reparations considering the Coronavirus Pandemic. Congresswoman Jackson Lee is the lead Sponsor for HR-40, the bill that would establish a Commission to study Reparations Proposals for African Americans. […]