Political Rights

Lucius Gantt
Lucius Gantt

Political Rights

By Lucius  Gantt

     The Rev. Al Sharpton has said the 2012 election “is not about Obama, it is about your Mama”. The Gantt Report says the election is also about “your drama!”

    For hundreds of years, Black people have been told that their votes for the correct candidates would have a positive impact on their lives.

    Well, I’m a lot older than you think (smile) and my experience suggests that whatever politician we put first, those same politicians put us last.

     Is President Barack Obama any different? Yes and no!

     President Obama cares, I think, about all United States citizens and he certainly has a space in his heart for Americans of African descent.

     However, on the other hand, Obama is not too much unlike other presidents.

Before the President even considers programs to help the inner city and inner city dwellers, Obama has to make sure Wall Street’s imperialist bankers and money changers are satisfied, if they are not completely happy. He has to insure that the military industrial complex is happy with the tax money appropriated for wars and conflicts.

    The Gantt Report describes President Obama as the best typical President this country has ever seen. All Presidents suck up to billionaire and millionaire campaign contributors. All Presidents bow down to protect and support the Hebrew nation, Israel. And all Presidents try to prop up the dollar, which is nearly dead and is currently on life support just like the Euro and other forms of worthless paper money.

     Regardless, I like President Barack Obama; but if you’re a long time reader of The Gantt Report, you know TGR doesn’t endorse any candidates unless a candidate is a personal friend and TGR can be specific about how and why said friend should be supported and voted for.

     I can say President Obama’s plans to use government funds to create jobs is better than any plan that would make the rich richer by cutting already low taxes and hoping that the wealthy would share their wealth on their own. The “trickle down” theory is just as tricky as the people that propose the theory.

    I can also say talk about prosperity and good times to come are little more than wishes. In a capitalist society, someone has to be capitalized on and most of the time, the someone is someone of color.

     African Americans can be proud to say they lived during an era when a person of color served as President of the United States.

     Black people can also say they lost more homes, jobs, more businesses and more respect during that same era.

     A house can’t be a home unless there is money in the dwelling. A community can’t progress and improve unless there is money in the community.

     No matter how much I and other African Americans love politicians, public servants and elected officials, Black people have to depend on themselves for their economic, social and communal survival!

     When you go to the polls, vote for yourself. Vote for national, state and local candidates that say they will vote for you!

     You will never have political peace if you don’t have politically equal rights and political justice!

    (Buy Gantt’s book Beast Too: Dead Man Writing. Like The Gantt Report on Facebook and contact Lucius at www.allworldconsultants.net)


About Carma Henry 25464 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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