
Bust the Babayka, Now!

      The judges in former President Donald Trump’s Washington, D.C. case are both women of color. The Magistrate ordered “The Babayka” not to speak or write about witnesses and officers of the court but Trump ignored the orders and continued to post threats and other disparaging comments on social media. […]


One Lie Led To 1000 Other Lies

      Well, I’m sad to say the lawyers are right. However, Trump cannot lie to overturn elections, lie to obstruct justice, lie to deny voters rights to fair elections; or lie to encourage coups and insurrections against the government and citizens of the United States. […]


Flip or Flop

     I don’t care where you live in the north, south, east, or west, if you glance at everyone’s feet, someone will be wearing flip-flops. You’ll see them in Walmart, in the Dollar Store and you’ll even see flip-flops in high-end boutique malls. […]