‘America’s new God: Partisanship’

Pastor Rasheed Z. Baaith
Pastor Rasheed Z. Baaith

‘America’s new God: Partisanship’

By Rasheed Z. Baaith

      “For there is no steadfastness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulcher; they flatter with their tongue.”                                                  (Psalm 5:9)

Judge Roy Moore, who is running for the office of United States Senator representing the state of Alabama, has a reputation as a strict conservative, dedicated Christian and a man of high moral character.  And like most men of “high” moral character, he is not perfect and has no doubt had less moral character in some parts of his life than others.  In other words, he has made mistakes of a moral nature in his life.  We all do but some mistakes are worse than others.

One of the Judge’s mistakes was apparently having a predilection for underage girls while the Judge was in his thirties.  He has been accused of having sexual activity with girls as young as 14 years old.  That allegation is ugly enough but the behavior of his supporters gives new definition to the word “reprehensible.”

They have decided even if the charges are true, that one, they happened a long time ago; two, there is nothing wrong with sexually assaulting children or three, the mother of Jesus, Mary, was a teenager when she had sex with Joseph who was an older man, and they were the parents of the Christ so what is the big deal?

When I heard that last statement about Mary and Joseph from one of Moore’s supporters, I understood very clearly that partisanship had become so extreme, so poisonous and so infectious that people are corrupting religion to justify supporting a person of foul character just for political gain.  One has to be really twisted to compare sexual misconduct to the Immaculate Conception.

   And the greatest partakers in this polluted meal of theological compromise are those who claim to be born again Christians.  It began with their support of Donald Trump, a man who said he never asked God for forgiveness because he felt no need; a man whose mouth is profane and vulgar and who was heard on tape bragging about sexually attacking women by grapping them in their crouch.

I had Christians tell me that if God had forgiven Donald Trump for his disgusting behavior we Christians should too.  Or he may not be a Christian in name but he was in action.  What does that mean?  What actions are you talking about?  His vulgar mouth, the lies he tells, his support of the most ruthless dictators in the world?  And if Barak Obama was being accused of the same things Judge Moore and the President have been, what would be their response to that

If the people of Alabama elect Judge Moore and send him to Washington as their Senator, it will signal that those principles America has tried to uphold such as honor, integrity of character, loyalty to the rule of law are no longer, if they have ever been, requirements for serving in elected office.  Ask yourself this: would you leave your teenage daughter or a female family member alone anywhere with either of these men?


About Carma Henry 26796 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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