The Gantt Report
By Lucius Gantt
People always ask me, “How can you write what you write and say what you say?”
Well, the truth is the truth. Haters have always criticized me and told my potential clients that I “hate” white people.
That’s crazy and stupid! I, believe it or not, love all of my neighbors, regardless of their skin color.
White folk know more about Lucius Gantt than you do. For about two years, I attended a predominately Jewish high school. There, the rednecks and the Blacks were both minorities, we were superior on the athletic fields, and we hung out together.
White boys would follow me home to get a taste of my mama’s cornbread and collard greens and despite my sometimes objections, mama would feed them and send them away with a plate for their sibling or girlfriend.
White folks have visited and lived in my homes, traveled with me all over the world, and stayed in my hotel suites in Africa and in other destinations.
No, everybody doesn’t love me, but most people respect me. People that stand up for themselves and their kind are respected more than feared.
The Black race in America should be more afraid than any other ethnic group. We are the ones getting shot by law enforcers, we’re the ones with the worst water systems, the most unaffordable housing, the grocery and pharmacy deserts, the poorest schools, and the highest health care costs.
So, I’m not afraid to stand up. I’m protected. God takes care of His soldiers!
In the ‘hood, the people call me “Baba”, I don’t call myself that. I was, however, trained by The Yoruba Chief for the SE United States and the Caribbean, Silo Crespo. I don’t claim the title of a religious leader. I tell people that I’m a messenger.
The point is, Lucius is protected! When men and women try to hurt me, they are more likely to hurt themselves!
I know that life is like a double-edged sword. Whatever you do to try to hurt your woman or your homie, can be done to you.
If you ever see me or some other person walking on your street with a necklace adorned with jewelry-sized guns, knives, hatchets and other weapons, leave the area immediately because any person wearing such jewelry is on a mission of death and they do not care what happens to them. They will kill if necessary.
I have the appropriate jewelry, but I don’t want to kill anyone. I want to help people.
I help everyone I can help. When newspapers can’t get writers the people want to read, I send the papers Gantt Reports that I know are the most read columns in most newspapers.
I give. I don’t loan anymore because most people never pay you back or give back what they borrowed.
Other newspaper columnists frequently go on social media and claim they are one of the Top 25 Black writers in history!
I say comments like that are blasphemous! I believe God raises up the columnists that he desires to raise.
All Lucius Gantt does is live clean and lets his work be seen!
I will never beg for forgiveness, recognition or for assistance.
But I hope the community people, media people and other people that I have worked so hard to help will help others who need assistance.