
Voter Suppression a Lasting Legacy of the Transatlantic Slave Trade  

In Federalist No. 54, James Madison wrote about the chief concern of the representation of slaves concerning taxation and representation, Thorne said.

     “This federalist paper states that slaves are property as well as people, therefore requiring some, but not full, representation. Ultimately a decision was made to count every three out of five slaves through the creation of the Three-Fifths Compromise,” he said. […]

National News

When in Dakar, Senegal to visit the Museum of Black Civilization, also check out a Black-owned book store called Chez Alpha Books

Tourists planning to visit the new Museum of Black Civilization in Dakar, Senegal should also take a moment to check out Chez Alpha Books, an English bookstore committed to writers from The Diaspora, fiction /non-fiction stories related to the history, and experiences of people from The Diaspora along with other world literature. […]


Senator Kamala Harris and Rep. Yvette Clarke Reintroduce Legislation to Commission Statue Honoring U.S. Representative Shirley Chisholm

     “For the first time in history, there are more than 20 Black women serving in the United State Congress—and we all stand on the shoulders of Shirley Chisholm,” said Senator Harris. “Shirley’s legacy inspires us to continue our fight to give a voice to the voiceless and pursue justice and equality for every American. Her legacy deserves to stand tall in the United States Capitol.” […]