Coronavirus Report: September 7, 2020

By Marsha Mullings, MPH


6.2 million cases, 188,942 deaths


646,431 cases, 40,024 total hospitalizations, 11,849 deaths


72,704 cases, 5,455 total hospitalizations, 1,215 death

*There were 24,845 new coronavirus cases in Florida last week.

*There was an average of 3,500 daily new cases over the last week.

Important to know

Florida coronavirus cases remain lower than July peak… but positivity remains higher than accepted, at 13.5%.  A sustained positivity rate of 5% is needed for the state to start opening up the economy and loosening lockdown restrictions.  In Broward County, the positivity rate is 14%. Though our infection rates have decrease steadily since July, we remain at a high positivity rate.

Coronavirus infection among children and college students continue to increase – COVID-19 cases among children continue to increase. Over the last two weeks, there was a 9% increase in infection among children under 18. The overall positivity rate among children is 15%. It is not known what is driving the increase in infection among children but it is important to remember that though they may not develop serious illness from COVID-19, they are capable of infecting others who are more vulnerable to severe illness. The rise is infections among college students is due mainly to students hosting and attending parties and other social gatherings where there is little or no social distancing practiced. Colleges may become new clusters of COVID-19 infection.

Remain vigilant on the Labor Day holiday – Holiday weekends are often festive affairs where family and friends gather to socialize and enjoy indoor and outdoor activities. It is especially important on these occasions, to follow social distancing guidelines and to protect each other. Protect vulnerable individuals and wear masks when out in public.


  1. Avoid closed spaces with poor ventilation
  2. Avoid crowded places with many people nearby
  3. Avoid close-contact settings – such as close-range conversations

For more information on coronavirus (COVID-19) prevention, visit www.FloridaHeal

About Carma Henry 25280 Articles
Carma Lynn Henry Westside Gazette Newspaper 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 Office: (954) 525-1489 Fax: (954) 525-1861

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