
Are you a Hypocrite or a Pontiflex?

  If you criticize the few low life looters and arsonist who blend in with peaceful protesters but do not criticize the rogue cops who beat, maim, and kill protesters you are a hypocrite. TRUMP and his law-and-order posse are hypocrites. In a way, so are the honest protesters who put their lives on the line, during a pandemic, by not taking the next most important step, registering and voting. […]

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How the Trump Administration is Weaponizing Covid-19

     By now, we all have had to quickly adjust to the challenges resulting from Covid-19, a viral pandemic that has brought about health and economic crises of grave proportions, particularly impacting our elderly and Black and brown lives. While doing so, unfortunately, President Trump has managed to turn this viral threat into a weapon of opportunity to push forth broader political agendas while dividing the nation along partisan lines. […]


Local Officials, Allentown Black Lives Matter Organizers, Emgage, Urge Local Police Reform

n the wake of the tragic murder of George Floyd and countless other Black Americans at the hands of police officers, Lehigh County Controller Mark Pinsley and Allentown City Councilman Joshua Siegel spoke with Allentown Black Lives Matter (BLM) organizers to unite and work together on finding solutions to prevent further loss of life, protect residents, strengthen standards, and improve the quality of Lehigh Valley police departments. […]