
We have so much to give thanks for

     As we prepare to  celebrate Thanksgiving, let’s be mindful of all the things we have to be thankful for and whether you want to believe it or not, they are  numerous. Just take this into consideration: your mind is functioning properly and the fact that you’re able to read this article  means you’re able to see and before you even began to read this article you were taking a breath so that means you’re alive and if you’re holding this newspaper that means you have hands […]


Don’t get on the bus

Do not to get on the bus of police brutality. Do not to get on the bus of self-pity or self-hate. Don’t get on the bus or put somebody in office just because… and for goodness sake DO NOT GET ON THE BUS OF FEAR!!! […]


If you don’t work you don’t eat; no vote, no voice

I don’t know about you but I’ll be damned if I go down without making my voice heard through my ballot. That does not mean I am voting all democratic. What it does mean is that I am voting for those who believe in making sure that ALL people have access that fit their circumstances to getting their human rights met by any means necessary. If you are not a part of this movement and all you think that you can do is complain, b*tch, and moan then please, “STFU AND VOTE!!!” […]


What you do to me, be careful…

     Never the less, the  dreadful and disheartening effects of the pandemic, police killings and the total disregard from the Trump administration towards Black, brown and poor people, we are not totally isolated to the consequences; believe it or not it will soon show results on all of us. […]