
In The Wood

   Today, I find myself in the woods at Prairie Creek Conservation Cemetery for the Homegoing of a dear brother,  Charles W. Cherry, II. For those of us who professed to know Charles, we said to each other: this is just like Charles, the uniqueness of this  place and the way Charles chose to exit from this life as we know it. When you get a chance, do some research and find out more about it (https://www.prairiecreekconservation […]


Partisan School Board on Deck

It appears these members of the Broward School Board just can’t seem to get out of their own way. While judge and school board seats are not partisan, the Board Members themselves can’t seem to conduct themselves in a non-partisan way. We often hear politicians of both major parties speak on the campaign trail about their ability to work across the aisle. Yet, when they get into the seat, it is partisan business as usual, and it is the reason they really get nothing done. In the case when something does get done when the leadership flips to a majority of the opposing party, they spend all their efforts undoing the progress made by the other side. […]


Happy Birthday

Of course, every year in the month of February we celebrate Black History and that is something that we do not take for granted. For us here at the Westside Gazette, February is a special month  as well  because it is the month in which the Westside Gazette was founded. […]


Who would be King?

   Now what comes before us amid all the chaos, confusion, lies, soul selling and in some cases the joys and pains over tumultuous shouts of Jubilees? But you know what rises above all of that? The question that rings like the clarion call of a bell on a buoy out in the sea beckoning the lost to bring them to safety is: “Who will be King?” Please, don’t think too far ahead of me. I’m using our celebrated hero as the representation by his accomplishments of which the question asks. Nothing more, nothing to the attachment of what the cognitive association to the subjective of King vs peasant is.  […]


Who’s Going to Check the Checker?

     BCPS School Board members are looking to join the county wide Inspector General (IG). For the past 12 years, the countywide IG office has been responsible for investigating ethically questionable activity brought to its attention with employees and practices within county government and 31 municipalities. Voters approved a County IG position and office back in 2010 to address what some believed to be serious corruption in city and county government. […]